Welcome to the FWEA –
Federation of Workers’ Educational Associations
Founded in 1903, the Workers’ Educational Association (WEA) is a charity and a voluntary sector provider of adult education, undertaking activities around the world. The WEA was extended to New Zealand in October 1914, with a national body formed in 1920. The national body of WEA in New Zealand – the Federation of WEAs in Aotearoa NZ Inc., is a member of the International Federation of Workers’ Educational Associations (IFWEA).
Each WEA has a commitment to the advancement, encouragement and provision of continuing and community education that promotes a just and equitable society, in accordance with Te Tiriti o Waitangi, however each WEA differ in the kinds of courses and classes they offer. In West Auckland, the Waitakere WEA is called WEST – West Auckland Enterprise Skills and Training, and it’s focus is on supporting economic wellbeing in the community through programmes that support employability, growing income and saving money. In Invercargill the Southland WEA is called Southland Education and it’s focus is on…
There are seven WEA in New Zealand:
WEA Book Discussion Scheme
We are New Zealand’s only nationwide book club specialist, operating since 1973.
Waitakere WEA
West AucklandWEST - West Auckland Enterprise Skills & Training
Supporting economic wellbeing in West Auckland since 1976.
Kapiti WEA
KapitiKapiti Coast WEA
Kapiti Coast WEA was established in 1978.
Wellington WEA
WellingtonWellington WEA
The Wellington WEA has been operating since 1915.
Canterbury WEA
ChristchurchCanterbury WEA
We were established in 1915.
Southland WEA
Invercargill, Riversdale & DunedinSouthland Education
Providing life long learning opportunities in Invercargill, Riversdale & Dunedin since 1915.
Dunedin WEA
DunedinDunedin WEA
The Dunedin Workers’ Educational Association Te Wāhi Ākoranga o Ōtepoti Incorporated (DWEA) is a non-profit incorporated society, and is a member of the Federation of WEAs in Aotearoa New Zealand.
A group of local people got together in late 2019, following the Dunedin Art Show, to discuss the possibility of establishing a group that would advance, encourage and promote the provision of adult and community education in Dunedin. The principal objectives of the society now are the advancement, encouragement, provision and community education that promotes a just and equitable society, in accordance with Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Southland Education (WEA) was originally the umbrella organisation but Dunedin Workers’ Educational Association Te Wāhi Ākoranga o Ōtepoti Inc, is now an autonomous independent organisation, registered with the Charities Commission. Since our small beginnings with 5 classes, we now offer up to 15 classes each term, in subjects as varied as raranga, acrylic painting, cookie decorating, photography, drawing, Te Reo, art journaling, crochet and slow cooking.
DWEA operates our classes from the South Dunedin Community Network rooms at 278a King Edward Street, South Dunedin..
WEA Statistics

The history of the WEA
The WEA in NZ stems from the English WEA, inaugurated in March 1903. ln that month, Mrs Frances Mansbridge handed her husband Albert half a crown - all the money [...]